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"A Hierarchy of Needs" has been shortlisted for the 2024 Gilmer Prize!!
June the 1st, 2024- Camel; an illustrated journal of narrative has announced the shortlist for 2024 Gilmer Prize and in that list is my short story "A Hierarchy of Needs". It is also slated for publication in the next issue of Camel due in September!!

"Writing a song about Lake Memphremagog..." I just finished a flash fiction extrapolating The Tragically Hip's 'Problem Bears', with their 'non essential workers' and 'tough talkin' goalies really going at it upstairs'...
Flo. Magazine Issue 3 Launch, Art House Cafe, March 29/23.
It'd been a long time since I'd read in front of a crowd, but The Art House Cafe was the right setting for reading my short story "Struggletown" to this capacity crowd. I was nervous but able to dissipate the anxiety, commenting to the first row that they're so close up they're lucky this isn't stand-up comedy night. It felt good having the crowd laugh (at the right moments) and feeling the connection with this beautiful room. It was also a treat to talk with the other great readers and to hear their offerings to this great issue. A great night for literature in Ottawa.

Sept 25, 2022
Working on a new novella as a break from the LEFtTurn novel.
Might not seem like a difference, but for me it's a change of pace and focus that really does help mentally. Creating another world with new characters. Always a rush.
I'm going to call the novella 'individe' and will try to publish it independently. <3
Dec. 15, 2020
'Geosmin' included in 2020 Just Words anthology.
Canadian publisher Alanna Rusnak Publishing has just released their 2020 literary anthology 'Just Words' Volume 4', "celebrating 49 Canadian authors and their works". My short story, 'Geosmin' is included, supplying a picaresque anecdote of a Maritime sojourner resigned to a twenty-four hour layover in Orlando, Florida. Copies can be purchased from Alanna Rusnak Publishing at

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